(630) 851-9474

Sign up for $1000.00 Grant Opportunity!



Eligibility Requirements:


  • Submit a paper to a major publication (Informs, IEEE, commercial, others…) on using Digital Twin to optimize the workplace.
  • Must use either Simcad Pro or Digitial Twin Studio, and mention that in the paper ( Only CreateASoft Products must be used).
  • Paper topic must be approved by CreateASoft.
  • Paper must be approved by a professor at an accredited institution.


How to Claim:

After the paper is submitted, provide CreateASoft with the submission information and link to the published paper After publication is confirmed, payment will be made directly to you.



  • 1 License of the software used in the publication will be provided at no charge for the publication
  • Paper topic must be approved by CreateASoft
  • CreateASoft reserves the rights to re-publish, link or use the paper for marketing and promotional purposes.



Sign up for the $1000.00 grant


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