(630) 851-9474

Simcad Pro - lean Simulation Software

Kanban sizing, scheduling and optimization, Load leveling (Heijunka), Spaghetti diagrams

Lean Simulation Software

Support for all LEAN Warehousing and Distribution concepts

  • Increase warehouse efficiency
  • Conveyance design and optimization
  • Capacity planning & scheduling
  • Material handling optimization and fleet sizing
  • ASRS, AGV and STV capacity planning
  • Facility layout & design
  • Distribution center network analysis
  • Automation validation and design
  • Human and automated equipment interaction

Most improvement initiatives begin with a Value Stream mapping exercise. The value stream map takes into consideration one aspect or product of the operation and analyzes the effect of waste. With a single product with no variations that flows sequentially, a static value stream is adequate. But, when analyzing multiple product interactions, non-sequential flows, and the interaction among multiple value streams, the static environment fails. Moreover, static streams do not take into consideration fluctuations in demand, workforce, and other dynamic operational constraints. This patented technology is the first of its kind on the market today.

Implement the LEAN distribution warehousing using dynamic simulation software - Simcad Pro.

Optimizing overall warehouse & DC efficiency

  • Optimize overall warehouse efficiency with on-the-fly dynamic simulation® including integrated bottleneck and constraint identification
  • Reduce labor costs. Maximize existing capital
  • Identify the most efficient layout
  • Manage warehouse and DC variability

Slotting optimization

  • Optimize proposed slotting strategy
  • Identify, analyze, and mitigate the constraints imposed by potential slotting strategies
  • Identify required labor requirements and analyze the potential benefits to existing automation technology

Schedule optimization

  • Optimize and plan for future labor requirements based on demand variability
  • Plan and identify most efficient and cost effective shipment patterns, routes, and schedules
  • Analyze and optimize picking, replenishment, put-away and receiving

Capacity planning

  • Impact on the physical facility: Expand, Change Layout, New Facility
  • Identify impact on labor requirements and equipment requirements
  • Determine Impact, feasibility and risk-benefit analysis of automation equipment

Facility layout & design

  • Identify impact of facility design on overall warehouse efficiency
  • Planning the expansion
  • Minimize travel, conveyor layout, merge optimization
  • Optimize conveyor speed and staging capacity

Connectivity and analysis

  • Identify impact of facility design on overall warehouse efficiency
  • Integrated connectivity to existing technology; WMS, RFID, Barcode, PLC, GPS
  • Predictive analysis, real-time forecasting
  • Historical reporting and trending
  • Analysis based on actual data with variability.
  • Scenario analysis to study variability and Monte Carlo runs

Simcad Pro  On-The-Fly Dynamic Simulation

Built in Spaghetti diagram generation
built in Spaghetti diagram generation

Value Stream Map with Spaghetti Diagram overlay
lean simulation - value stream map

3D Simulation Visualization
lean simulation - value stream map


Our Mission: Provide organizations with the required tools and know-how to ensure competitive advantage and sustainability in an ever-demanding world market.

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