CreateASoft, Inc - Simulation, Digital Twin and AI Software
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Simulation Benefits in Healthcare

Simcad® Health Software


Optimize Healthcare ROI

Simcad Health®, offers an intuitive and interactive 3D simulation environment to improve, optimize and visualize healthcare systems. From ED and OR to hospital logistics and resource planning, Simcad Health® integrates with live and historical data to provide the most effective and interactive healthcare simulation system on the market today.


Optimize Patient Flow and Reduce Patient Wait Times

With Simcad® Health, streamline your healthcare operations and ensure every process improvement is backed by solid data and analysis. Enhance your healthcare operations by optimizing patient flow and reducing patient wait times with advanced simulation and modeling solutions.
Simcad Health Simulation Benefits

Healthcare Optimization

Healthcare Simulation brings operations into a virtual environment, taking away all the risk of costly experimentation.

  • Reduction in left-without-being-seen
  • Reduction in transfer denials
  • Increased operational quality and capacity
  • Reduction in hospital expenditures
  • Analyze the impact of inter-department communication delays
  • Optimize bed allocation and transfer strategies

Simulation Benefits in Healthcare

Layout and Patient Flow

  • Reduce non-value added delays due to transfer availability, elevator constraints, and room location with an optimized facility layout.
  • Analyze and minimize distances traveled by patients and providers.
  • Improve room layout for maximum efficiency.
  • Optimize the location of shared and mobile equipment, supplies, and work stations.
Simulation Benefits

Scheduling and Staffing

  • Schedule providers based on department variability
  • Improve OR scheduling
  • Analyze and improve clinics, labs, schedules and on time performance
  • Identify the impact of provider availability and schedules on overall efficiency

Capacity Analysis

  • Determine current capacity constraints
  • Identify future state capacity requirements and required improvements
  • Improve bed turnover time
  • Identify optimal bed allocation strategy for maximum capacity
  • Analyze and eliminate room cleaning delays

Internal Supply Chain

  • Analyze the impact of med delivery to departments
  • Identify optimum location and number of department store rooms
  • Improve the impact of automated med replenishment
  • Improve the layout and design of the main store room
  • Optimize shared mobile equipment storage and allocation
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